Financial results

Good start in 2018. Best results among banks.

PKO Bank Polski started the year 2018 with great financial performance. The bank's net profit for Q1 2018 increased by 44% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. This was supported by the continued, fast growth of business activity. In the first three...
Financial results

Bank 3.1

2017 was a very positive year for both the Polish economy and PKO Bank Polski. The GDP growth rate, mainly driven by investments, accelerated to 5 percent at the turn of 2017/2018. Consumers and entrepreneurs are optimistic about the future. Under such conditions, PKO Ba...
Financial results

Young innovative companies that are conquering the market!

We now know the winners of the MIT Enterprise Forum Poland accelerator program, whose main partner is PKO Bank Polski, aimed at technology start-ups. Up to 300 start-ups registered to take part in the project, including those from the financial, energy, pharmaceutical an...
Financial results

Highest profit in banking sector and double-digit growth in business profits

The first quarter of 2017 was very good for the Polish economy, which is also visible in PKO Bank Polski’s performance. The after-tax profit earned by the PKO Bank Polski group after the first quarter of 2017 reached PLN 525m, once again the highest result in the banking...
Financial results

Best Results in Financial Sector and Support for Growth of Poland’s Economy

The after-tax profit reported by the PKO Bank Polski Group for 2016 amounted to PLN 2.87bn and was the highest in the Polish banking sector. The PKO Bank Polski Group accounted for 21 per cent of the total profit of the Polish financial sector for that period, which is m...
Financial results

The Best Results in the Financial Sector and the Highest Safety

The net profit generated by the PKO Bank Polski Group in H1 was PLN 1.51 billion (up by 12% YoY) and the consolidated profit on business operations was PLN 5.8 billion, representing an increase of 12.7% year on year. The profit on business operations was driven by an inc...
Financial results

Solid Financial Results of PKO Bank Polski in Q1 2016

Despite increasingly demanding conditions of business and additional charges for the banking sector, the consolidated net profit of the PKO Bank Polski Group was PLN 639 million in Q1 2016; it was stable year on year and increased by 43.7 percent quarter on quarter. The ...
Financial results

Solid business results from implementation of the strategy despite difficult market environment

The Bank implemented the vast majority of the objectives of the strategy 2013 – 2015 „PKO Bank Polski. Every Day the Best”. In the last three years PKO Bank Polski developed dynamically organically and through acquisitions – assets grew by nearly PLN 72 bn, the cost of r...
Financial results

Strong growth of results driven by rising revenues and synergies from the integration with Nordea

Growing revenues, falling operating expenses, achieved synergies from the integration with Nordea, and improvement in loan loss provisions ensured a solid growth of results in Q3 2015. The leading market position was maintained, coupled with strong new sales of consumer ...
Financial results

Good growth and consolidation of the leader position despite difficult market conditions

In the IIQ 2015, the PKO Bank Polski Group generated a net profit of PLN 703 million, which represents an increase of 8.6% q/q. The Bank strengthened its leading position in the deposit market throughout the IH 2015. Thanks to the high level of new cash loans, SME and co...