Financial results

PKO Bank Polski was highly successful in achieving objectives of the strategy for the years 2010-2012

Net profit of PKO Bank Polski Group for the year 2011 reached PLN3.8 billion, the highest to date in the history of the Polish banking sector. 65.1% was its cumulative profit growth in the years 2010-2011. ...
Financial results

Further improvement in results of the Capital Group PKO Bank Polski

In the third quarter of 2011 Capital Group PKO Bank Polski improved on the result of the previous quarter to give the highest net profit in the Bank's history at 1,017 million PLN. In comparison to the corresponding period of 2010 this was 20.1 percent higher. Business d...
Financial results

Record-breaking Quarter for PKO Bank Polski

In the 2nd Quarter of 2011 the Capital Group of PKO Bank Polski and the Bank reached the all-time high quarterly financial results, earning the net profit of PLN 967.3 M and PLN 1,043.8 M respectively. The profits earned in the last quarter were also higher by 11.1% and ...
Financial results

PKO Bank Polski results after first quarter 2011

The financial results of Capital Group and PKO Bank Polski have maintained their upward trend. After the first quarter of 2011 net profits reached 871 million PLN and 851 million PLN respectively. Compared to the same period last year the Group’s profits rose by 21.0% an...
Financial results

Record profits for PKO Bank Polski Group for 2010

PKO Bank Polski Group in 2010 achieved its highest profit in history. The consolidated net profit amounted to 3.217 billion PLN, an increase of 39.5 percent compared to the year 2009. There was also a significant improvement in the individual results of PKO Bank Polski. ...
Financial results

Perfect results in the banking sector for 3rd quarter of 2010 owing to two-digit increases

PKO Bank Polski and the Capital Group achieved excellent results in the Polish banking sector. Net gains achieved after the 3rd quarter of 2010 amount to PLN 2.469 m and PLN 2.349 m respectively. They are higher by 33.3% and by 31.3% than in the corresponding period a y...
Financial results

The best results in the banking sector for the 1st half-year 2010

PKO Bank Polski and the Group achieved the highest financial performance in the Polish banking sector thus validating their position as leader. Net incomes achieved in the 1st half of 2010 were respectively PLN 1,913 million and PLN 1,502 million. ...