About Bank

PKO Bank Polski Strategy for 2016-2020: “Supporting the Development of Poland and Poles”

The strategy of PKO Bank Polski for 2016 – 2020 “Supporting the Development of Poland and Poles” adopted by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board focuses on the support for the development of Polish entrepreneurship, in particular in the segment of small and med...
About Bank

Solid Financial Results and Strong Growth of the Financing Scale

The financial result generated by PKO Bank Polski Capital Group after three quarters of 2016 amounted to PLN 2.3 billion (increase by 5.3% y-to-y), whereas the consolidated result from business activity was on the level of PLN 8.9 billion and was higher from the result o...
About Bank

PKO BP Group to provide even stronger support to Polish enterprises with the acquisition of Raiffeisen Leasing Polska

On November 2, PKO Bank Polski, RBI and PKO Leasing S.A. entered into a share purchase agreement related to the sale of 100% shares in RLPL with its 3 subsidiaries by RBI to PKO Leasing for PLN 850m. The closing of the Transaction is subject in particular to the required...
About Bank

Customers of PKO Bank Polski can handle their official matters over the Internet

Following the e-application in the 500+ program and the PUE ZUS system made available in electronic banking, time has come for a true breakthrough in e-administration. The customers of PKO Bank Polski can open their Trusted Profiles in the banking transaction service and...
About Bank

The approval of Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) related to the corporate customer branch in Czech Republic

The Polish Financial Supervision Authority has analysed a notification proposal of the Bank on launching a corporate customer branch in Prague and approved to send it over to respective authorities in Czech Republic
About Bank

PKO Bank Polski supports 2nd edition of the acceleration program for start-ups and launches FinTech path

PKO Bank Polski once again joined the accelerator program for start-ups, carried out together with MIT Enterprise Forum Poland. In the 2nd edition, PKO Bank Polski is the patron of the "Let's FinTech with PKO Bank Polski" path, dedicated to start-ups and focused on finan...
About Bank

PKO Bank Polski and start-ups at the same table

"Innovation" was probably the most commonly used word during the D-RAFT Corporate Demo Day "FinTech & Mobile". Representatives of corporations and young entrepreneurs met at the Campus Warsaw, launched by Google in the Praga district. PKO Bank Polski co-organized the...
About Bank

PKO Bank Polski branch in Frankfurt is already open

PKO Bank Polski Niederlassung Deutschland began its operational activity on 7 December 2015, less than two months after obtaining the consent of BaFin, the German financial supervisory authority. The necessary IT systems are working and the banking products and services ...
About Bank

From IKO to BLIK – best innovation in payments worldwide

Collaboration among competitors, far-reaching vision and the ability to independently create innovative solutions - these are the main reasons why bankers from around the world recognized the transformation of the created by PKO Bank Polski mobile application IKO into th...
About Bank

BaFin opens PKO the way to the German market

The German financial supervisory authority BaFin decided positively on the launch of the PKO Bank Polski branch in Frankfurt am Main within less than four weeks from submitting the application. Thus, the process of obtaining regulatory approvals, which started in Decembe...