On January 1, 2025, PKO Bank Polski's corporate branch in Bucharest commenced its operational activities. PKO Bank Polski S.A. Varsovia, Sucursala Bucuresti wants to be the bank of first choice for Polish companies operating on the Romanian market and the gateway for Romanian companies entering the Polish market. The branch in the Romanian capital is the fourth foreign corporate branch of PKO Bank Polski after Frankfurt am Main, Prague and Bratislava. The launch of the branch is part of the implementation of the ‘Number One and Fullstop’ Strategy. In line with its assumptions, further expansion to a further eight European countries is planned. These will be the largest trading partners from the perspective of the Polish economy.
- The development of a network of foreign corporate branches is our response to the needs of Polish companies, which are gradually increasing their presence on foreign markets. It is also the implementation of an important element of the Strategy of PKO Bank Polski for 2025-2027. More and more Polish companies are investing in Romania, e.g. from the food, furniture, construction chemicals, IT or white goods sectors. We want to respond to their needs and make it easier for them to operate in this market, but we will also be fully open to financing local companies. We are counting on a good start and a high interest in cooperation. We invite you to use our services... and fullstop ,'
pointed out Marek Radzikowski, Vice-President of PKO Bank Polski.
PKO Bank Polski is the undisputed leader of the Polish banking sector, and its value at the end of September 2024 will reach PLN 512 billion. The net profit of the PKO Bank Polski Group after three quarters of 2024 amounted to PLN 6.9 billion. Number of shareholders up to 12.1 million. The bank is an independent provider of financial services for all customer segments, achieving control of shares in the deposits, loans and individual investment funds market. Thanks to the use of an interactive tool in this IKO application, which has been activated by customers 8.3 million times, PKO Bank Polski is the most mobile bank in Poland.